Hagan, C.(2010, Sep, 06). Animal-based protein diets increase mortality rate.Retrieved September 07 2010, from CNN Health Web Site:
According to this article, Animal-based proteins and fats increase mortality rates while plant-based proteins do not, as indicated by some health studies.Studies have found a direct link between eating animal-based food and red meat and cancer death. In addition a malor clinical study research found that iow-carb, high protein diets have lots of benefits for health such as weight loss. as well as will as improvements in lipid brofiles, reduced inflammation and better blood sugar control,
I like this article because it gave me new information about risks of animal-based
food and how I can keep my health better and away from harms and still getting the sameamount of proteins without eating animal-based food. I thought that disadvantaes of animal-based food are onely concerned with fat, butthrout this article i was shocked to know that is directly connected to cancer.
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