Monday, October 11, 2010

Family program fights anorexia

Fiore, K. (2010, Oct. 4). Family program fights anorexia. Retrieved 05 October 2010 from Medical News Today:


According to the article, the family-based treatment for anorexia is better than individual therapy for keeping young patients away from anorexia.  As reported by Lock, the difference between the family therapy and individual therapy is significant because more patients of age 12 to 18 years who had been involved in a family program were free of anorexia a year later. Family therapy was better at the end of the treatment program but not during the follow-up. According to researchers, the family therapy is better if the parents are not willing to be involved otherwise individual ; therapy, is better. After all, the study made by researchers was during one year and the sample of patients was small. So they are wondering if the program goes for a longterm, or if the sample was bigger, then statistics may change and their decision also may change


I believe that group work is always better than individual. What I mean is, when you are in a group you will always find someone involved with you and you will encourage each other at the most difficult times. So, I am certain that family programs would be better than individual therapy. with respect to family and their effect on the each other, I think if the parents have control on them selves they may control their kids regarding their eating habits. After all, it is rare to find healthy parents with unhealthy kids and vice versa  

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